This is the type of Animation I've been thinking about doing. It's stop motion, but more with Humans and things around you than creating models or sets. I really like the idea of this because I could experiment a lot and try out different methods. I could also try animating a wide range of materials to come up with some kind of concept.
The reason I liked this video is because it uses a mix of media's, such as a girl walking on a bed, but there's other things that move such as pillows and blankets - and it works really well. I'd like to delve in to this area of animation and come up with something thats more my style.
Another short animation which uses this technique is deadline. A guy used post it notes on his wall to create moving objects such as logo's or monsters. He animates as well and he actually interacts with the movements of his animations, so it all becomes a nice blend of mixed media and clever timing, movement.