Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Digital Work. (Research.)

For my "End Of The Beginning Of," I have chosen fear. Mainly because I like the idea of toying around with that concept of people being able to do whatever they want - whether it be killing themselves, killing others, committing unspeakable acts and in a way, acting out their true emotions. Of course, there's bad and good side's to this scenario, but I mainly want to concentrate on the bad sides.

One of the concepts I've decided to research in to is poster design and I can incorporate this in to my final pieces. I felt a theme was vital here, so I've decided to look in to a kind of Circus Of Horrors style, like so;

This piece is from an Artist called Thomas Woodruff and shows a follow on collection of a freak show. I particularly love how when you first look at it, you don't straight a way see the abnormalities of the people in the side show and rather, have to look for them. I also like the style of glamorizing something like this - as though it is beautiful - when evidently it's not. It's like a big lie in some aspects. However, one of the specific things I do like is how everything follows on, as with another artist who does this quite a lot, James Jean;

As you can see, the image is cut up in to piece's to make one big image, which is something I'd like to use. Either that or having a running theme so you know their all in the same collection.