Thursday, 13 May 2010


For this project we were asked to create two models for a futuristic vehicle - they were not allowed to have wheels. We had to research in to various vehicles and techniques to achieve the design. We had to do design development for each design, to show the process and the try out the techniques we have learnt to produce to final out come.

I made a craft/balloon/blimp combination. I wanted to use various aspects of a design to make one complete design - because this way, it would make it more interesting and unique. For the other one, I went for a ship, hang glider design - I did this for a more traditional, versus futuristic design which I had planned out through my research. I wanted to communicate a vechicle which would work - but was something completely new which used a whole range of aspects to create one set model - such as, take different things from different areas.

I experimented with designs by looking in to various animals/insects/sea life and thinking of ways to combine them with a vehicle. I made pages of drawn designs of transistions from one thing, to the other gradually. I also tried designning a whole set of vehicles from my mind in quick sketch's to get out whatever came to mind. Some of the idea's I rejected, specifically from the transistions thing - because simply put, some of the animals didn't work.

What I wanted to communicate with my audience is a ship that works well, and is creative both traditionally and futuristicly. I feel I did achieve this through having parts of the vehicles more ordinary, and others using more techniques.

I feel I could have managed my time better, mainly with the end models so that I would have them finished sooner. And also, get all the paper work out of the way first, rather than working on both at the same time. I feel my strengths in completing this project were my designs and how varied the idea's were and how I tried to experiement in many different areas.

If I had more time, I would of liked to add smaller detail - such as windows and doors to the ship - or headlights and animations to the crafts. I'd also like to work on the texture more to give it a more realistic appearance.

In future, I feel I will work on my time mangement and get everything done in the appropriate timing rather than everything getting messed up. I'd also like to do more tutorials, so I understand the work better and can get on with it more easier.