For my research, I chose to look in to various vehicles. This would help me come up with a design that was realistic and hold a lot of original, and unique aspects.

A hover ship with a very interesting design. I love the idea of the various shapes and sizes, so it creates something unique. I really like how the front part is long, with all these triangles coming off it to carry on the design and add things further to make it appear more futuristic. The back end also has small decorations which grab your attention and make you realise this isn't something that has been created in this time era. I also really like the colouring, the silver and blue really work well together on these types of vehicles, because they give it a metallic, slick appearance which blends well with the idea of the design.

A futuristic boat. It has the same appearance as a boat, but has wings coming off it which slide against the water and allow it to look different. The overal design of it isn't really that futuristic, but the gliders on the side let it have an aspect which is different, unique and interesting. I really like the idea of the wings, because it improves the boat and allows it to be more stable and run faster - so the artist has thought of functionality here, as well as the design.
With my design, I'd like to have well thought out functionalities which would not only improve the original design, but also would work out too.

I really like the idea of using a hang glider in my design. I feel this is one of the Traditional aspects, as well as the Blimp idea, which would work well with something futuristic. I simply love how simple it is, and how it still works and how much improvements can be made on it to make it fly longer, to make it more functional and easier to use.
I like the idea of using something more traditional which isn't futuristic at all and combining it with something that is - to make something more unique.
I love the idea of this futuristic tractor. The artist has basically taken something quite boring, and made it interesting by altering the colour design, placement and shape. It has the basic structure of a Tractor, but uses more smooth edges and add on's which give it a more futuristic feel. I particulary like how the front is very tractor like, but when it draws towards the top, where the window is - there's more of a craft like appearance too it and I believe this aspect is what gives it a more futuristic feel.
With my design, I'd like to use a more craft like appearance because I feel these shapes alter them in to a more slick, professinal design.
This vehicle has many futuristic aspects - such as the overal build, shape and functionality. It has a very tank design, and uses shapes such as triangles and domes which give it a more original and unique feel too it. The colours, and sleekness of it make it look rather futuristic, and the whole idea of it - from shapes, to the windows in the middle, to the back end.
With my design, I want to experiment in these types of areas. I'd like to use shapes not usually used when making a vechicle and hopefully design something more interesting and unique.
This is a futuristic Blimp - I researched in to blimps because I liked the prospect of using something similar to this - either this or a balloon of some sort. Mainly because I feel the prospect of combining both an air ship, and a craft really interests me. I like this blimp because it does just that, and has both aspects of a ship with the base designned how it is, with the engines on the side and the wings. But then you get this big, beautiful balloon which allows it to have a more traditional feel.
With my design, I'd like to capture both a traditional and futuristic feel too it by using both of these aspects in the design. Using more influences from both original vechicles, and future designs.
A bike which reminds me of a chopper. It had an odd shape, which makes it stand out from most bikes - and gives it that futuristic appearance. For instance, the back end goes up to reveal a jet extruding outwards - I also like the difference in wheels, one being bigger and thicker than the front, it allows it to have more dynamics and varied in design. It holds qualities from a lot of different bikes, from choppers, too BMX types - which is probably what gives it that unique effective.
Withmy design, I will be combining more than one thing together to get a more varied design and something thats unique in it's own way because it holds seperate aspects from two completely different designs.
This aeroplane design is built in a more simple, sleek way. It's smoothed over and has small decoration peices which just seem futuristic to me - such as the front and the design of the wings. I really like this design, mainly because it's taken the plane, and changed it just enough for it to be concidered more unique - without completely losing the plot and changing every aspect so it doesn't even look like the vehicle you had based it on. Even though it does have a completely different front and wings, you can still tell what it is because it holds a lot of originality as well.
With my design, I'd like to make something with smooth edged, with an professional look and something that alters parts, but keeps others the same.
This is designned as a futuristic sports car. It's for a slick, clean appearance which doesn't seem that advanced on the outside to what we have today - but it's the coat of paint and the shape of the vehicle which makes one believe it could be a few generations away. I really like the design of the front of the car, how it molds in to shape and appears as a whole. I also like the windows and how it all blends well with the rest of the car.
With my design, I don't think I'd want to take that much a way from the original design. I want it to look futuristic, but still have similar qualities to what we have now - mainly because I doubt in the future cars will look a lot different anyway. I specifically like the front of the car though, and would like to experiment with something simpler.
This design is more complicated than something standard, because someones thought about how it would operate in different environments. For instance, it's more like a Transformer than a vehicle, and can morph in to a flying transportation device - and something that can go on land. There's a lot of guns and armour, which would suggest it's designned for some kind of war or defence mechanism.
I find the image too complicated, there's too much happening and it's hard to tell what everything is. Even though I do like the design, with mine, I want to make it more simpler with less decoration/ect.
This reminds me of something that would belong in the army. It has a very tank appearance - with the armour surrounding it and the overall shape. I like the idea of this design, mainly for the smaller aspects of it such as the design of the wheels and the head lights - I feel it's these that give it a more original touch. I also like the glossy, black texture too it that make it look "new" - and people symbolize "new" with "futuristic" a lot of the time.
Other than the wheels, there's not much else to suggest it's futuristic - yet the image still gives that feel. With my design, I'd like to have little touches which symbolize the fact that it is futuristic and not from this era.
This car is taking a more unique approach and goes about completely rebranding the car as it is today. In some ways, it goes back in time because it only has two wheels - but then it has this slick, thin body which takes up less space and appears as though it would be able to travel faster. What it reminds me of is a blend of a motor bike - with the shape - and a car - with the roof. So it's combining two vehicles, to make a more individual one with it's own unique style.
I really like the idea of using two seperate things and merging them together to make one peice - which will hold aspects of both, and because of this, become more unique.
This motorbike is based on a more realistic concept for a design. It holds a lot of aspects, for instance the functions and how it looks, but there's something about the appearance - the clean and sharpness of it all - that make it look realistic. What I mainly like about it is the shape, and how it has this "speed" feel too it, because it's small, thin and holds a "light" appearance. I also love the colouring, such as the blacks against the greys/silvers - these give it a more professional finish and also help with the futuristic aspect.
With my design, I'd like to use similar colours - rather than using bright colours, or just one tone - I'd like to use a whole range of tone because I believe these work better on vehicles - specifically futuristic ones because it gives it that "new" feel.
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