Thursday, 17 September 2009

Light Wave - Research. (Futuristic City.)

Our project for Lightwave is to design what thing's could look like in the future. It's a fairly open project with a theme thats already got stuck in my head.

In some ways, I'd like to show the world for what it is today, and how thing's may only get worse for the future. I decided to pick out the barrier's between poor people and the rich, focusing on how poverty separates the class's of today and what effect this will have on the future. Think of it as the Earth being set on levels like some huge Metropolis and the Rich being at the top in a place seemingly like "paradise," and the poor being at the bottom in the slums.

This image shows a beautiful city in the background seemingly taken hold of by technology, and then in the foreground a town that doesn't seem to have moved forward at all - and appears like a poverty stricken area. It shows the separation of society and how the Rich will grow forward, but the poor will still be expected to do the "dirty work" and live in grotesque environments. So, overall, the only people who really move on in the future is those with fortune, a good background and career prospects - which is a lot like today, but on a lesser scale.