Bi0-bak relies mainly on it's interactivity functions, which are insanely whacky and creative. It demonstrates a nice blend of Artwork and interactions which are all done to a high standard. At times, it's almost like you're playing a game because the webpage allows you to get so involved with it.
Particularly, I love how you need to actually search for things yourself. Using the mouse, it enables you to scan the entire page and find other functionalities or information - this makes you become more involved with it, especially when it asks you to locate a battery to make a speaker work, which results in a small animation. Basically, instead of going on a website that has everything already laid out for you, this requires a bit more patience and wit - you're also rewarded in a sense, whenever you do find something new because of the various animations being activated, it makes you feel like you've accomplished something. The whole page is all vibrant and happy, even though a big chunk of it is black the colours seem to spring from the page, with uses of different tones and variety.
As a critique, I feel it should have some sort of link that allows you to see the animations/interactions in some other format. The problem is, when you're scanning the big page, it can get boring if you're seeing the same things - and because of this, you may miss something on there that's quite important or interesting. If I had spent so much time designing and creating this, I'd want people to see everything about it - I feel the web page is let down slightly because the creator has given attention to some detail that people may not see.
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