For my Web Design research, I wanted to look in too something which not only was "pretty" to look at, but actually has a nice interactivity which can hold an attention span for a few minutes.
The site "Rolando," is somebody's Portfolio which has a nice blend of Art with good interactivity. The basics of the site is you control a small Cherub with a camera, which can move him a long the page to spread out one huge image which plays "home" for a number of different, interesting and versatile characters and scenery. What first caught my attention for this site was the gothic, child-like Art theme and how it was laid out almost like a story book. I felt it was well presented, with it's own added touch's of "attitude" and animations. It's designed a lot like a childrens story book, but the good feature about it is when you do view the page properly, you can tell it's more aimed at adults which I thought worked well.
My main downfall is that the slide show doesn't like very long and it can be annoying to have to turn the character around to scan the rest of the page - this requires going back through everything again. Another thing is having to work out for yourself where to click to activate the animations, since it's quite big and you have to operate the character you have the added annoyance of clicking the page as well. Other than that, the Art is beautiful, the animations are well achieved and the concept is fairly original.
For my design, I'd love to have animations which reflect my personality, and be able to create a world inside the site that people can enjoy and also, works well with how I want to portray myself in the form of an image/animation.
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