Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Web Design. ( - Research.)

I felt this was a good website to represent recycled goods, and showed a lot of interactivity and imagination. The first thing that caught my attention was how the landscape had been morphed in to the theme of recyling by the vegetables being used as a part of the structures - I felt this was an inventive and fitting way particulary for this type of website. I also liked how two types of style were incorperated to create a varied design - for instance, they have used a blend of real materials with images done in photoshop.

This site has various interactivity functions and all of these rely on the viewer clicking different spots on the page. I specifically liked how the animations played out by doing this, and how what was being displayed was all to do with helping the environment - so rather than making it boring and like a lecture, with loads of text about what to do to be "green," they've made it in to little animations which are far more interesting. To tie in with this, I also like how some of the landscapes move without having to click it - but others need your assistance. This allows you to feel more involved.

The main downside to this would be the loading times. It take's so long to load up the site itself, and then it's only slowed down when you finally get on the page because of all the various animations and movements - which only complicates things when you click on objects to make them animate too. Also, what was extremely annoying was when you press one of the top buttons for another page, it opens in a small box with the background still animating, so it's still painfully slow for no reason. Overal, it feels like they've tried to put too much on one page and rather than having it spread out on various other pages to make it faster, they've lumbered it all together. Also, one very important mistake was that things on the website can be missed because of the "clicking anywhere and hope something animates eventually," thing - because bluntly put, you may not press in a vital area and might miss an important animation.

However, the inspirations I found from this was how well real materials/objects can work with photoshopped ones - and how you can incorperate your theme in to anything - such as the structures using vegetables.